Home | Customs information | Payments and guarantees

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Security system prior to customs clearance
(Article 160° General Customs Law)


Click here for Procedure IFGRA.PE.39 (in Spanish)
(http://www.aduanet.gob.pe/orientacAduana/index. (link por definir)

Using this system ensures granting release of goods in a maximum period of 48 hours.

Customs duty debt and surcharges may be paid within 50 days without interests and under control due to an automated monthly account that will notify you every 20th day of the month how much is your payable debt.

An implemented electronic communication and consultation system will enable you to be updated on the status of your secured debts.

Click here to enter SUNAT Online Operations where you can learn to minimum amount to be secured, a list of competent surety agencies and start proceedings to enter the systems (in Spanish).
http.www….( Link por definir)









Enlaces de Interes

Gobierno del Perú

Portal del estado peruano

Atención Virtual

Central de Consultas

  • 0-801-12-100
    A nivel nacional
    (Costo de Llamada Local)
  • 315-0730
    Llamadas desde Lima

Oficina Principal:
Av. Garcilaso de la Vega 1472, Lima 1

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