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Postal consignments


Postal consignments transported by the Postal Service (Serpost S.A.) are as follows:

  • Post: letters, postcards and cecogram;

  • small parcels: consignments up to 2 kilograms, and

  • orders: consignments higher than 2 and up to 50 kilograms.

The Air and Postal Customs Intendency is responsible for these postal consignment entries under the Special Customs Regime of Postal Consignments or Parcels Transported through the Postal Service as follows:

1.  Without simplified declaration and free of Ad Valorem, VAT and Municipal Tax payment in case of:

      a)     Posts, documents, newspapers or journals for non-commercial purposes, and

      b)     Consignments whose FOB value is up to US$ 200, except:

      -  consignments containing restricted goods  (http://www.sunat.gob.pe/orientacionaduanera/mercanciasrestringidas/index.html)

      -  consignments which are part of several consignments sent to a same consignee in a same means of transport whose Total Value FOB is higher than US$ 200, and

      -  Other established by SUNAT.

    2.  Through simplified declaration, in case of consignment whose FOB Value is higher than US$ 200 and up to US$ 2000, as well as those excluded in the above-mentioned paragraph, and its clearance shall be carried out:

    a)       In the presence of consignee for consignments destined to provinces of Lima or Callao, or

    b)       In the absence of consignee for consignments destined to other provinces of the Country, whose transportation at the destination place is carried out with declaration numbered previously by the Customs Administration; in case the supporting consignment documentation submission is required, it could be sent through Serpost S.A. offices.

    The Air and Postal Intendency is also responsible of postal consignment entry which contains baggage, household or its value FOB exceeds US$ 2000, which is cleared under a Customs regime different from Special Customs Regime of Postal Consignments or Parcels transported through Postal Service.

    For more information on special regulations applicable to consignments click on the following links:  

    And for more information contact us:  

    • By Telephone assistance: Tel. 6343600, ext. 20064, 20066, 20603, Division of Customs User Support
    • In-person customer service: Av. Gamarra N° 680 Chucuito Callao - 1st Floor.


Enlaces de Interés

Gobierno del Perú

Portal del estado peruano

Atención Virtual

Central de Consultas

  • 0-801-12-100
    A nivel nacional
    (Costo de Llamada Local)
  • 315-0730
    Llamadas desde Lima

Oficina Principal:
Av. Garcilaso de la Vega 1472, Lima 1

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