Tamaño de Texto:

What other considerations you should take into account?


If you are going to import second-hand vehicles, luggage or households, postal consignment or goods considered as sensitive products, we invite you to click the following links for consulting of the corresponding provisions:

Importation of used vehicles:

Postal consignment

Entry of luggage or households

Importation of digital products:

Importation of textiles and their manufacture:

Importation of goods related to data, audio and video reproduction and storage:

Importation of computers, components, and peripheral equipments:

Importation of footwear:

Importation of eyelet rings:

Importation of batteries:

Importation of tires:

Importation of sheets, plates, leafs and plastic strip:

Importation of glasses, frames:

Importation of zippers and parts:

For more additional information on customs matters, please contact us and do not forget to leave your name, e-mail and we will reply to you as soon as possible. 

Additionally, in the library of the Customs and Tax Administration Institute (IATA) you can find bibliography on tax-customs matters or you can make consultations directly on Av. Gamarra 680 Chucuito from 8:30 to 12:00 a.m. and from 14:00 to 16:00 p.m. or by telephone 219 5150 Ext. 20007 and 20269 (import proceedings and entry regimes); 20057 (value declaration and minimum descriptions); 20154, 20027, 20156 (tariff classification and treatment); 20153 and 20155 (restricted and prohibited goods); 20063 (agreements and conventions); 20183 (negotiated FTA headings)     






Enlaces de Interes

Gobierno del Perú

Portal del estado peruano

Atención Virtual

Central de Consultas

  • 0-801-12-100
    A nivel nacional
    (Costo de Llamada Local)
  • 315-0730
    Llamadas desde Lima

Oficina Principal:
Av. Garcilaso de la Vega 1472, Lima 1

1997 - 2010 SUNAT Todos los Derechos Reservados