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Tamaño de Texto:

Undeclared goods and goods different to those declared


  • If as a result of the passenger or crew member control or physical examination, undeclared goods subject to tax payment are detected or if there is a difference between the declared quantity or species with regard to the verification by customs authority, then seizure of goods is executed.

  • Regarding seized baggage or household items, you can benefit from the immediate payment of customs tax debt, corresponding fees and fines established in the General Customs Law. Upon total payment, the automatic release of seized goods is carried out.




Enlaces de Interés

Gobierno del Perú

Portal del estado peruano

Atención Virtual

Central de Consultas

  • 0-801-12-100
    A nivel nacional
    (Costo de Llamada Local)
  • 315-0730
    Llamadas desde Lima

Oficina Principal:
Av. Garcilaso de la Vega 1472, Lima 1

1997 - 2010 SUNAT Todos los Derechos Reservados