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Changes on the New Regulations of Special Customs Regime of Baggage and Household Goods


Dear traveler:

As of August 24, 2013, the new Regulations of the Special Customs Regime of Baggage and Household Goods approved by Supreme Decree No. 182-2013-EF took effect. The main changes are as follows: 

  • New tax-exempt list of baggage (Article 9° of the Regulations);

  • Reduction to twelve percent (12%) on the Customs value of the single tax applicable to goods considered baggage that are not included on the tax-exempt list of goods whose value does not exceed US$ 1,000 (one thousand US dollars).

  • To benefit from household goods, a traveler must prove a residence abroad of no less than thirteen (13) consecutive months prior to his/her arrival. The current regulations do not consider that such term must be "immediate" upon arrival.

  • Regarding seized goods of baggage or household goods, a traveler can benefit from the immediate payment of customs tax debt, and corresponding fees and fines established in the General Customs Law. Payment results in automatic clearance of seized goods.




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  • 0-801-12-100
    A nivel nacional
    (Costo de Llamada Local)
  • 315-0730
    Llamadas desde Lima

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Av. Garcilaso de la Vega 1472, Lima 1

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